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The diagnosis of infertility often comes after months and sometimes years of attempting to conceive. The accompanying roller coaster of emotions every month becomes an established reality of life, often causing a sense of exhaustion and discouragement on so many levels; physical, emotional, social and spiritual. Embarking on a treatment plan challenges couples to find the resources to commit to fertility treatment when they can be feeling depleted yet strangely, hopeful. 
When fertility treatment does not result in a healthy pregnancy, the sense of injustice many couples experience often comes with feelings of failure and confusion about when to change paths and consider a life that will not include parenting. Faced with the well-meaning advice of others to ‘just relax’, there is no mistaking that while stress does not cause infertility, undergoing treatment for infertility is very, very stressful. 


Counselling for women and their partners can help them develop coping strategies for managing the inevitable highs and lows of fertility treatment. The stress placed on these loving relationships can erode the quality of life of both people, placing them at risk for overall reduced effectiveness in other aspects of their lives such as career.

Counselling Fees

My counselling fees are not covered by OHIP although many have coverage through extended health benefits plans provided by their employers. As a therapist with designation as a Registered Social Worker (RSW), many clients are reimbursed for fees. Benefits packages through companies such as Sun Life, Blue Cross, Great West Life Insurance and Greenshield Canada can provide coverage for counselling services. Please check your employee benefits package to determine your individual coverage. 


Any counselling expenses not covered by third party insurance benefits can be claimed as medical expense tax deductions when you file your annual income tax return. As a Registered Social Worker, I am considered an authorized ‘medical practitioner’, allowing you to claim counselling fees as a medical expense. 


Clients are not charged for telephone consultations prior to initial counselling sessions. The fee for a 60-75 minute counselling session is $125.00. Payments are made by cash, cheque or credit card at the end of each session. Formal receipts are provided.  

*Evening appointments available

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